Remote control tarantula Final Design

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Final Report


The remote-controlled tarantula is a product designed to provide the user with the experience of interacting with a semi-realistic toy. The two known existing models being sold commercially for a retail price of $20, and both have extremely similar capabilities. By understanding the qualifications of these two different models, we were able to gain a good sense of the strengths of the product with respect to its target market.

The products currently on market are able to be controlled with two output reactions. When in motion, the tarantula can either move forward or rotate clockwise. The speeds at which these actions are performed depend on the manufacturer. There is a single electric motor controlling the mechanical functions of the tarantula. The drive shaft of the motor engages the wheels, allowing the tarantula to move, as well as providing the necessary power to activate a rotating cam to control leg movement. The wheels of the tarantula are positioned such that there is not much clearance between the ground and the bottom of the model. This feature limits the type of topography that the remote-controlled tarantula can traverse, additionally setting a cap on the speed at which it can travel.

The aesthetics of the remote-controlled tarantula is an important factor in the appeal of the product. Both of the current models depend on providing a sense of realism through different methods. The exterior of the tarantula is coated in a fur-like substance to emulate the outward appearance of an actual tarantula. Similarly, the legs of the products move in a manner simulating the crawling of a tarantula. This cosmetic function is linked to the motion of the tarantula when rotating in place or traveling forward.

This attention to detail to create the illusion of realism is a key focus of the product. In comparison to other remote-controlled toys, the remote-controlled tarantula depends less on its technical capabilities, instead relying on its unique position as a novel item. However, there remain areas that may be improved upon to provide an even more immersive experience for the user.

Areas for improvement were determined through an analysis of the current design, as well as user feedback after interaction with the product. Some of the aspects taken into consideration involved increasing the versatility of the remote-controlled tarantula. Suggestions were made calling for improved speed during rotation and motion of the tarantula. Additionally, the product’s inability to traverse various terrains was another point of interest for some users. Other users asked for the introduction of additional functions such as variable rates of motion, autonomous motion guided by laser pointer, or mandibles with the ability to manipulate small objects.

Statement of Opportunity

The remote-controlled tarantula is a novel product that relies greatly on its aesthetics to appeal to the market. Performance of the product is not as paramount a specification, as it caters to a market that is more concerned with the realism of the model. User testing revealed that while the limitations of functionality were a concern, creating a more immersive experience was preferred. Taking into consideration the importance of the realism of the product, the area of interest for our redesign dealt with an influential component of the user’s experience.

The area of interest that our group decided to focus on was the motion of the legs. The existing system for controlling leg motion was limited to a rudimentary solution that allowed for minimal performance. If left unadjusted, this aspect of the product would detract greatly from the realism of the tarantula.

When the tarantula performs either of its motile functions, the motion of the model engages the mechanism responsible for the movement of the legs. This means that at any time the tarantula is not stationary, the legs will be in a state of motion. So, there is a significant amount of importance placed upon the way in which the legs move. The current design utilizes a rotating cam to interact with the legs, creating an artificial mode of leg motion. The legs are limited to two positions vertically; raised when activated, or lowered when not in contact with the cam. Additionally, the cam is only able to activate legs in sequence as it rotates, limiting the system of legs to a stilted and mechanical performance.

So, the primary focus of this product redesign is to introduce a new system to control the leg motion of the tarantula. Creating a more realistic mode of motion is the main concern, with additional attention given to simplifying the manufacturing process. Doing so will aid in decreasing the amount of labor intensity needed to produce the tarantula, as well as consolidating the necessary materials for production.

Quality Function Deployment

In the description of the remote control tarantula redesign, stakeholder needs were quantified in a list. The stakeholders for this product are defined as entities that are involved at any of the stages of the product life cycle. All of these entities have an economic investment in the product. This includes the end user, as well as the suppliers of the raw material and components necessary to manufacture the finished product.

  • Users
  • Designers
  • Suppliers (Plastic components, electrical assemblies)
  • Manufacturers (Toy production/assembly)
  • Distributors (Retailers, novelty specialty stores)

For the users, their needs were what we determined during testing. Their list including improving the mobility, traction, speed, turning, leg articulation, cost, and battery life of the original tarantula. As this product is fairly proprietary, and our only direct competition is the original product we were modifying, the benchmarking is essentially just the difference in original design to our new design. To better benchmark our product, We revert back to our original user studies to show the differences In our final design, we focused on the few of these customer needs we felt were most important. When analyzing the customer pool who would purchase the tarantula, we came to the decision that aesthetics and realism were most important to our redesign. In short, if a customer just wanted a fast robot to speed around, they would buy a R/C car – they buy a tarantula for the realism and novelty. On this reasoning, our final design focuses on some targets.

  • Multi-directional motion – Our final design utilizes a chassis that allows for forward, reverse, and turning motion in any direction. This is done through the use of a R/C chassis on which the rest of our design is mounted.
  • Increased Speed - Related directly to this, the R/C chassis we use will accomplish the requirement of faster motion.
  • Traction – Our original design used small, plastic wheels with almost no clearance and no traction. Our final redesign uses offroad-style plastic wheels that are larger with a better wheelbase. These tires are farther apart, have more surface area touching the ground, and stick better.
  • Accurate Leg motion – The main focus of our design time, we determined a method of utilizing a single input drive motor to operate the motion of the legs while keeping the motion realistic. This means that alternating legs on each side will move in tandem, and move opposite to their other pairs. This way, at any time 2 legs on a side are lifting and shifting forward, the other two are down and moving backwards, appearing to push the tarantula forward.

In terms of suppliers and manufacturers, our redesign includes methods to simplify purchase of parts along with ease of assembly. Snap fits and repeated parts are the most related issues. Our major interior parts are designed such that they can be injection molded easily. Distributors meet requirements as long as users understand the difference between the original and new tarantula design. They are looking for better sales and profit margin. A better product will lead to this.


Original proposal can be found at: Remote control tarantula. Redesign can be found at: Remote control tarantula redesign.