Talk:Automatic card shuffler

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Revision as of 00:24, 14 February 2007 by Jeremy Michalek (Talk | contribs)
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We received your report on the automatic card shuffler and were confused. The report appears to be incomplete, and it fails to address the items agreed upon for deliverables. You were highly recommended by Professor Michalek as being a confident team with the necessary skills for the project, so we cannot understand why you have submitted such a poor and incomplete document to us – is there some mistake? It’s clear that you have begun to do some work on the project, since we see an initial BOM and some bulleted lists, but the document fails to adequately address any of the items we asked for, and it doesn’t even look like a report at all, but rather just some notes.

We also received a letter from you via the Blackboard site that provides somewhat of an overview, but you must understand that your documentation is far below our expectations. We will plan to meet with you this Wednesday to discuss the situation and determine what steps should be taken next. We expect that your next report will deliver the missing information that was supposed to appear in this report and do a competent job addressing the requirements for the next deadline.

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