Airsoft gun

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Our team has performed an extensive analysis of Well's L96 Airsoft gun.


Customer Needs

Airsoft guns are built with two purposes in mind: functionality and emulation. Customers who buy the Well L96 are expecting an airsoft gun that behaves as a sniper rifle should. They will expect the gun to be powerful. Airsoft players with more powerful guns gain a tremendous distance advantage especially in outdoor arenas. An airsoft gun shooting with a muzzle velocity of 300 ft/s has an effective range of 150 ft while as guns that shoot 450 ft/s have effective ranges of over 200 ft. Of course, power is not the ultimate measure of a sniper rifle. A powerful gun is useless if it is not accurate. Customers will reasonably expect an airsoft sniper rifle to be accurate enough to hit a human sized targets at long distances (200 ft). In addition, customers need a durable gun. Durability involves building a gun that can handle environmental fatigue such as excessive sunshine, cold weather and rain. Since airsoft is a physical activity, it also means building a gun that will not break because a player mishandled his gun while doing a physical action such as diving for cover. Finally, the customer has safety concerns that must be addressed. Shooting an airsoft gun can be dangerous if it is misfired. The gun needs to have at least one kind safety mechanism.

Functionality aside, customers buy airsoft guns because of how well an airsoft gun emulates the actual gun. When owning the actual gun is too expensive or is illegal (i.e. Japan), customers buy airsoft guns as substitutes. The most important aspect of emulation is how well the airsoft gun resembles the actual gun. How heavy the airsoft gun is in comparison to the actual gun is the other important aspect of emulation.


Firing this airsoft gun starts with loading BBs into the magazine. As BBs are loaded, the spring in the magazine becomes compressed. When the magazine is inserted into the gun, the compressed spring releases a single BB into the gun's loading chamber every time it is fired. With ammo ready, the shooter pulls the bolt back. Pulling back the bolt compresses a spring. At a certain pull back distance a knob pops up. This knob will hold the compressed spring in place. Then, the shooter will pull the trigger to shoot the gun. Pulling the trigger releases the knob from standing up. As a result, the spring will expand quickly. This quick movement pushes a piston forward. The piston moving forward creates air pressure. The resulting air pressure enters the loading chamber and pushes the BB out through the barrel.

The Well's L96 is classified in airsoft terminology as a spring gun.


Manufacturing Processes


Product Usage

Mechanical Analysis

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