Talk:Baby stroller

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Revision as of 08:23, 28 September 2008 by NormanShiau (Talk | contribs)
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Client comments on the Mechanical Analysis

This is a useful analysis to know the possible deformation of the plastic tray. My comments are listed in follows:

  • Please list your ABS material property settings (e.g. tensile strength, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio) used in the finite element analysis and indicate the reference for the values.
  • Please verify that the assumption of 20 lb is large enough to cover the weight of whole stroller and a baby setting in it. A scenario may often occur when a user holds the front edge of the tray and the rear handle to lift the whole stroller for going up/down stairs. The assumed force should represent this possible maximum force applied to the tray.
  • Is the simulation result closed to the real displacement? The real tray has round fringes, which actually increases the structural strength of the tray. This point should be included in your discussion.