Automatic apple peeler

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Revision as of 04:15, 7 December 2009 by Mingic (Talk | contribs)
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Design Documentation

Part Number Name Quantity Manufacture Process/material Function (estimated)Cost CAD drawing
1 motor 2 purchased First motor rotates the rods to move second motor along the path.
Second motor rotates the tri-fork
cell 1,6 cell 1,7
2 rolling frame 1 metal sheet bending/steel sheet A stable carriage for the second motor $12 cell 1,6
3 clear rod 1 // To stabilize the rolling frame from being overturned $10 cell 1,6
4 clear rod bushing 1 milling machine/steel To fix the clear rod $5 cell 1,6
5 threaded rod 2 // Spinning threads move forward the rolling frame $30 cell 1,6
6 motor fixator 1 milling machine/steel To fix motors to the base/rolling frame $8 cell 1,6
7 base 1 bend saw/wood piece Reduced sized base $5 cell 1,6
8 apple slicer 1 purchased To slice apple into 8 pieces $5 cell 1,6
9 peeler handle 1 purchased To connect all the parts needed for peeling $5 cell 1,6
10 peeler blade 1 purchased To peel apple skin $2 cell 1,6
11 tri-fork rod 1 purchased To fix apple in place $5 cell 1,6