Removable windshield scraper blade

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Final Report DUE DEC 7th* - ONE PER TEAM

  • Will be accepted up to Dec 11th < midnight


In your final report, you are looking to 1) provide evidence and make a case to support the need for your new design; 2) provide documentation necessary to fully describe and define the detailed design for production; and 3) use engineering analysis and your prototype to demonstrate feasibility of the design. Each team should document any information needed to accomplish the above objectives. To help you avoid forgetting anything major, a minimum requirements checklist will include:



Executive Summary

(1-page max)

- Appropriate background on the project.

Market Research

- A clear statement of the opportunity you have identified, and documentation of market research to support the need.

The need that we found was for people to have a way to get ice off there windshield with out having to be outside scrapping it. We found that there where no other products designed around this purpose. This is what we saw as our opportunity to fill a niche that was clearly not being meet. We felt that if an effective deign could be made people would buy the product because of the near universal distance for standing out side in the cold while scrapping ice off your windshield.

When trying to decided if the windshield scrapper idea that we came up with would be something that people would actually want to buy we decided to sample the people we knew to get there reaction to design idea. We each contacted 5-10 and between the four of us only one person didn’t like the idea. There were however several people that had reservation mostly having to do with how easy it would be to attach and how quickly it would get ride of the ice.

When we were trying to decided on what kind of attachment we should make between the wipers and our blade we thought it would be time to do some more market research on what most people’s windshield wiper blades look like. What the problem boiled down to was did a great enough percentage of people’s wiper blades have holes on top and a recess that we could justify the use of a permanent attachment part that utilized these holes. To get a good cross section of what our target demographic (having plenty of disposable income and like gadgets) had on there car we started out in CMU’s parking lot and surveyed the cars, it also couldn’t hurt that CMU is ranked very high for out of shape campuses. We found rather favorable results most cars windshield wipers had holes in there wipers. Then we decided to expand our sample to include cars parked in the Pitt university area and found similar results. In the end we sampled more then a hundred cars and found when all was tallied up the result was 1 to 13 in favor of holes.


Bill of Material

Part Quanity Material Function of Type Manufacturing Process Drawing Number or Catalog number
Blade 1 ABS Plastic To scrape the windshield and push snow off Injection Molding 1
Chassis 1 ABS Plastic this is the part that everything connects to it has both knobs and the blade attached to it Injection Molding 2
Knob 1 ABS Plastic the handle and turning piece used to attach chassie/blade to mount Injection Molding 3
Mount 2 6061 Aluminum The perminant piece that allows for easy attachment Injection Molding 4
Tab 2 ABS Plastic this is attached to the knob and is used to slide in and hold to the mount Injection Molding 5
Block 2 6061 Aluminum it is placed inside the wiper and is used to screw into, holding the mount to the wiper Stamping 6
Spring 2 Piano Wire is used to provide additional friction between tab and mount by increasing normal force puchased C14-035-040
Screws 6 Stainless Steal 6-32 X .25 puchased done by quots

Links to PDFs of all the drawings for our product:
[Assembly Drawing]
[Blade Drawing]
[Chassis Drawing]
[Knob Drawing]
[Mount Drawing]
[Block Drawing]
[Tab Drawing]

ABS is a thermoplastic and lends its self to processes such as injection molding very well, a quick round up of its properties is at the end of this section.

Lustran ABS 433 comes in black high gloss which should give our design a nice slick look and is one of the low costing forms of ABS. It is also commonly used in injection molding application. ABS 433 is used for automotive applications and other consumer applications. The supply of that we would use is LanXess, there is a PDF in the reference section that has the technical data for using this plastic in injection molding. It is also important to note the environmental impact of Lustran ABS 433 which meets all enviormental guidelines for both the US and the EU. LanXess offers documentation to show that it meets the several guidelines such as the RoHS-Directive.

Our initial run will probably be smaller until we have design fully perfected because of this we will probably start out with a cheaper aluminum mold. This will cost much less then a steel mold and we will be able to make them quickly with a CNC in this way we can go though a few generations before a steel mold is constructed. The most complex part is the chassis and it is not all that complex so the molds and process should be very low cost. Assuming that we have a total first run of 500,000 and factoring that our aluminum molds will have to replaced a couple of times in the process the costs per part are in the table below these numbers are based on cost estimator software provided by David O. Kazmer, P.E., Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts Lowell. The two aluminum parts are made in two ways one is stamped and the other is injection molded as well. The injection molding part, the mount, was figured on cost using the same software but using a recommended correction factor for the use of a metal verses ABS which came in on the cost of material. The stamped part, the block, was figured based on rates for the cheaper process of stamping but with a higher material cost of aluminum verses ABS.

in $ Process Cost Material Cost Tooling Cost # of Cavities Quantity Total Cost
Blade 0.3 0.06 0.07 11 0.44
Chassis 0.07 0.04 0.02 4 1 0.12
Knob 0.58 0.07 0.01 2 2 1.32
Tab 0.27 0.001 0.02 1 2 0.58
Mount 0.15 0.25 0.02 2 2 0.84
Block 0.01 0.09 0.02 n/a 2 0.24

Which gives a total cost for Manufacturing the parts of: $3.54

The number of cavities for our mold is in the table as well because it as a great impact on the cost of the process. This is because it is much more economical to have more cavities on medium and small parts, like what we have. Some of the parts did not seem as though they could have the extra cavities but the chassis has places for at least four and the knob for at least two.

Purchased Items

The parts that we intend on buying are the springs and the screws. The supply for the springs is W.B. Jones Spring co inc, link in reference, which has a spring that almost exactly meets the requirement figured out by our analysis. The only issue is it has almost double the amount of coils then what we need but they do take custom orders. The plan would be to buy the stock springs and cut them in half until our custom springs are ready. By picking a spring that is already in stock we should be able to get the change we need to these with out that much extra cost and relatively quickly. The screws also should not cost that much we can buy them from a large manufacture and bulk distribute like American Fastener, link in reference. Below is the estimated cost of our purchased parts.

Cost Quanity Total Cost
Spring .01 2 0.02
Screws 0.005 6 0.03

The total cost for our purchesed items is: $0.05

Bringing our total cost up to: $3.59

Assembly and Indirect Costs
Except for packaging there is no Labor required to assemble one of our snow scrappers because we will follow the Ikea model and let the user do the assembly. This course of action was decided on because the user already has to do some construction, applying the permanent parts on their wiper blades, so the extra steps of screwing on the blade to the chassis and attaching the knobs did not seem like to much or too difficult. To take into account the extra labor of packaging and overhead an extra $0.50 will be factored on. For our selling and distributing expenses we plan on factoring in $0.50 to take in to account the markup we believe the sellers of our product will need we will add $1.50. Bring the total cost of our product up to $6.09

After looking up what other items that are sold to modify your car and how much wiper blades themselves cost we decided to sell our product for $19.99. All of this gives us a total profit of $13.90. Which is approximately 2¼ times the total cost which is a reasonable amount.

Properties of ABS Plastic
Tensile Strength
5000-7500 psi
Flexural Modulus
270,000-380,000 psi
Impact Strength
3.0-7.5 ft-lb/in notched izod
Maximum Temp.
200 F short duration, 140 F long term


- Engineering analysis of the design including 1) an appropriate numerical analysis for your design (required for all) 2) a DFX/FMEA analysis as appropriate for your design, and 3) documentation of any engineering testing performed to support design decisions. In all cases, clearly state assumptions and conclusions.

Image:Before.jpg Image:After.jpg

After the first snowfall of the season, we were able to test our prototype on an actual windshield. The before and after pictures shown above shows that the Plexiglas blade does not scratch the windshield when a large amount of force is applied, and clears away the snow and ice in one back and forth motion. This affirmation told us that Plexiglas is a safe choice for the blade and that our final design would be safe to mount on a windshield wiper and run with the wiper motor.

Video of windshield wiper attempting to clear snow/ice

Video of OUR windshield wiper blade clearing snow/ice off of same car


- A QFD to show (at minimum) the quantifiable engineering targets you have set for the design, relationships between engineering specs and stakeholder needs, and benchmarking of competing products. As always, explain your conclusions, such as what strengths your design has over competitor products and who is likely to buy it.

Final Prototype

- Documentation of the final prototype including a discussion of what it demonstrates, what was learned from it, and how it differs from the final design.

Testing of Final Prototype

- Documentation of user-testing and user-feedback on your design and prototype.

Testing in snow/ice conditions


Display: Motor

Motor and Wiring Set-up
Motor and Wiring Set-up


Display: Windshield

Should the design be pursued for production?

- A conclusion of whether or not your design should be pursued for production and why.

Next Steps

- Identification of next steps and any remaining barriers to bringing the proposed design into production.

Team Contributions

- A section on design process and team dynamics that briefly describes the design process path followed by the team and lists semester contributions and team roles from each team member.

Some teams may include additional information, such as a provisional patent draft, optimization results, functional decomposition, VOA, survey results, product family analysis, detailed cost estimation, etc. Each team should identify which aspects are appropriate for making the case for their own product and aim to impress the client with thorough and appropriate work necessary for the client to make a decisions on whether or not to pursue your product further.


Java Injection Molding Cost Estimatorv

LanXess websight:

PDF of propties of Lustran ABS 433 when using it for injection molding:

W.B. Jones Spring co inc
American Fastener

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