Exercise bike

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Executive Summary

Product Function

Product Use

The product is a stable platform used for cycling practice as well as a smooth, intense workout. The user mounts the bike, sitting on the seat. Feet rest on the pedals and hands on the rubber handles to the front of the bike. While holding the handles, feet on the pedals and sitting on the seat, the rider is provided a stable riding position. To ride, the user pedals forward (backward is not recommended by Schwinn) exerting significant effort to build momentum in the heavy flywheel. Once user reaches a comfortable speed their effort levels to a steady pace. There are a few ways to stop, all not very intuitive to basic bike riders. There is a knob on the frame that can be turned to apply a clamp-brake to the flywheel that will slow the wheel down. The user can also completely remove their legs from the pedal assembly, but this is not recommended since it is dangerous and the momentum in the wheel is too high and will spin for a very long time. The user could also cool down by gradually reducing their pedal speed till it becomes slow enough to dismount. This is recommended anyway in any strenuous workout, stopping abruptly is not good for the body.

Bill of Materials

insert table here

Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA)

Design for Manufacture


Design for Assembly




Design for Environment (DFE)

Abe and Casey

Mechanical Analysis



Personal tools