Low-foam keg tap

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Executive Summary

Provide a brief executive summary summarizing your findings and conclusions. In particular, summarize

  1. Findings from market research justifying need for the new product
  2. The product's main features, advantages over competitors, and target market
  3. The most important findings from your product analyses that justify design choices and support your case for the new product.

Market Analysis

Make the case that there exists a market need for your product using market research findings, illustrative pictures, benchmarking against competitors, and identifying your target market. Estimate a ballpark expected price and production volume for the product and compare against expected cost. Determine if the product has high likelihood to be profitable or unprofitable or if more information is needed to determine. Is there enough potential to justify investment in further market research and testing?

Design Documentation

Include assembly drawings with all components labeled as well as a bill of materials defining each component with quantity, material, etc. Include a fully dimensioned CAD drawing for each custom component and a company and part number for each purchased component.

House of Quality

Provide a complete house of quality table to summarize your design choices, targets, relationships, and benchmarking against the competition. Highlight major findings and conclusions.

Design Analysis

Report on conclusions and recommendations from your DFMA, FMEA, and DFE findings for your product, and benchmark against the competition. Highlight major findings in the report and provide data in the appendix.

Mechanical Analysis

Clearly state the purpose of the analysis, methods and assumptions. Define all symbols, and provide a free body diagram, if applicable. Summarize conclusions and implications for you design, and explain how the analysis serves to justify your design choices.

Prototype Documentation

Document your final prototype, explain what it demonstrates about your design, and clearly identify differences between your prototype and final design intended for mass production. Summarize findings from user testing and user feedback.

Design Process

Include a short section documenting your team design process for scheduling, coordinating, and completing tasks. Identify individual team member roles, responsibilities, and contributions. Assess the state of the product. Is the design ready for production? If not, what are the next steps (eg. more testing, quantitative market research)?


Include Design analysis data here.

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