Power scrubber

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Black&Decker Power Scrubber
Black&Decker Power Scrubber


Exectuve Summary

Major Product Stakeholder Analysis

We identified four major categories of stakeholders for our product. They are manufacturers, shipping & transportation companies, retailers, and consumers.

Stakeholder Objectives

  • Manufacturers
 Low cost raw materials
 Simple manufacturing process required for materials chosen -- easy for mass production
 Energy efficient manufacturing process
 Recyclable materials
 Easy assembly
 Low cost packaging
  • Shipping & transportation companies
 Firmly packaged
 Light weight packaging
 Space efficient mass packaging
  • Retailers
 Marketability (consumer needs)

Stakeholder Needs and Wants
Stakeholder Needs Wants
  • Product should not require much force to hold/use (proper level of vibration, weight, etc.)
  • Energy efficiency (and soap usage reduction)
  • Customization (comfortable to use)
  • Maximize performance & minimize cost
  • Lightweight and space efficient
  • Ergonomic (material of handle part)
  • Durability (especially of the sponge)
  • Cheap & durable materials
  • Lower electricity(batteries) use
  • Cheap & easily processed materials
  • Mass production
  • Easy assembly
  • Volume-efficient materials
Shipping & Transportation
  • Lightweight
  • Durability
  • Space-efficient packaging

Product User Study

Mechanical Function

Parts List

Exploded View of the Power Scrubber Assembly
Exploded View of the Power Scrubber Assembly
Part Number Name Quantity Mass (g) Subassembly Function Material Manufacturing Process Image
1 Sponge 1 N/A Provides a rough surface for cleaning Off the Shelf
2 Velcro 1 Exchangeable Head Holds the sponge to the device head while allowing users to change the sponge Off the Shelf
3 Device Head 1 Exchangeable Head A removable device head connecting the sponge and the main device through the connector ABS Injection Molding
4 Rubber Ring #1 1 Connector Seals the gadget from water Rubber Off the Shelf
5 Connector 1 Connector Connection point on the device that allows device head switching PA6/G30 Plastic Injection Molding
6 Gear Cover 1 Gear Housing Secures the planetary gear in the gear housing POM plastic Injection Molding
7 Planetary Gear #1 1 Gear Housing Decreases motor speed while increases torque Steel Off the Shelf
8 Planetary Gear #2 6 Gear Housing Decreases motor speed while increases torque ABS Injection Molding
9 Planetary Gear #3 1 Gear Housing Decreases motor speed while increases torque Steel Off the Shelf
10 Gear Housing 1 Gear Housing Housing that holds the planetary gear while aligning the motor with the gear ABS Injection Molding
11 Gear on Motor 1 Motor Housing Gear connecting the motor and the planetary gear Steel Off the Shelf
12 Motor 1 Motor Housing Provides rotating action of the device Multiple Off the Shelf
13 Motor Housing 1 Motor Housing Secures the motor to two conducting copper pieces ABS Injection Molding
14 Conductor #1 2 Motor Housing Extends the electrical connection copper on the motor Copper Die Cutting and Bending
15 Pin 2 Finishing Assembly Secures the interior subassemblies to the outer shell Steel Extruding
16 Outer Shell 1 Finishing Assembly Secures interior subassemblies, provides waterproofing, and providing grip for the users ABS, Rubber Injection Molding
17 Screw 2 Circuit Board Secures the circuit board to its housing and secures the circuit board housing to the outer shell Steel Off the Shelf
18 Circuit Board 1 Circuit Board Provides electrical input control Multiple Off the Shelf
19 Circuit Board Housing 1 Circuit Board Secures the circuit board and the button to the outer shell ABS Injection Molding
20 Button 1 Circuit Board On/Off Plastic Off the Shelf
21 Conductor #2 1 Battery Housing Allows electricity to conduct from the battery housing to the circuit board Nickel Plated Copper Die Cutting and Bending
22 Battery Housing #1 1 Battery Housing Holdes the battery and conductors in place ABS Injection Molding
23 Conductor #3 1 Battery Housing Connects the battery in series Nickel Plated Copper Die Cutting and Bending
24 Conductor #4 1 Battery Housing Connects the battery in series Nickel Plated Copper Die Cutting and Bending
25 Clicker 1 Battery Housing Holds the battery housing in the outer shell Nickel Plated Copper Die Cutting and Bending
26 Battery Housing #2 1 Battery Housing Holdes the battery and conductors in place ABS Injection Molding
27 Conductor #5 2 Battery Housing Connects the battery in series Nickel Plated Copper Die Cutting and Bending
28 Handle 1 Battery Housing Provides a handle for users to pull the battery housing out of the outer shell Steel Extruding and Bending
29 Rubber Ring #2 1 Battery Housing Provides seal for waterproof, provides friction and holds the battery housing to the outer shell Rubber Off the Shelf
30 Rubber Ring #3 1 Connector Provides seal for waterproof Rubber Off the Shelf

Design For Manufacturing and Assembly


The product uses standardized components for many of the components such as the screws, motor, and Velcro, etc. For the ease of manufacturing, all the conducting metal pieces have similar dimensions; this means that fewer tools and setups are required during the manufacturing process. Most of the other customized parts are made of the same material, ABS, which are easy to work with using injection molding for mass production. Furthermore, since injection moldings are used for the ABS parts, not many finishing operations are needed to further reduce cost. The product uses the rubber rings as a multifunctional part what work as a seal for water proof as well as a locking mechanism for holding parts together. The rubber rings also help avoid tight tolerances based on its flexibility, which result in cost reduction. For the outer shell, special process of injecting two materials, rubber and ABS, are used to eliminate extra works for assembly.

There are also rooms for improvement. The product is composed of many small pieces in the interior of the device that could possibly be designed with fewer pieces. Also, although injecting molding can account for irregular shape, those small pieces can be modified into simpler shapes without losing their functionalities. The battery holder can be considered to be bought off the shelf and integrate with the product with minor design changes. The product uses soldering for connecting the motor to the conducting metals; however, it might be less cost and time consuming if the conducting piece can be redesign to secure the connection.

Overall, the design choices are made well for consideration of manufacturing. Limited materials are used for the components, they are chosen to be easily fabricated, and most of them do not require secondary and finishing operations. Although injecting molding can be expensive, the product is mass produced, which cut down the cost for every extra part produced. On the other hand, it may be possible to reduce the numbers of parts by combining subassembly into one component, which can make the design simpler. It is also important to consider the cost of using special process property as oppose to assembling after the parts are manufactured.


The product only requires two pins and two screws in the whole assemble and the outer shell only consists of one piece. One example of eliminating the use of screws in assembling is the snapping mechanism used for closing the gearbox. Another example is using rubber as a way to lock the battery housing in place. The product consists multiple subassemblies, such as the battery housing, the circuit board, and the motor/gear set. Each component is designed in certain shapes to prevent mistakes in assembly orientation. The way the circuit board subassembly comes in contact with the motor subassembly is one example. The assembly directions are minimized to two and components either go in from top or bottom. The openings also have different shapes to help recognizing what goes where. Furthermore, the outer shell is not only roomy but also provides guides on the interior wall for subassemblies to slide and fit in easily.

Besides the fact that the product requires very little screws and pins, there are unnecessary parts that can be removed from the assembly. The connecting part between the device head and the output shaft (part number 5) can possibly be part of the device head. Also, the clipping metal piece on the battery house (part number 25) seems to be functionless due to the existence of the rubber ring. It might also be possible to reduce gears with different selection of motor. To further reduce the use of screws and pins, a snap fit can be used to secure the interior assemblies in place instead of using pins.

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Item and Function Failure Mode Effects of Failure S Causes of Failure O Design Controls D RPN Recommended Actions
Battery Housing Battery housing comes loose No Power Source 4 Not closing properly 4 Scrubber would not turn on 2 32 A better clicking mechanism
Button: ON/OFF Button sticks Can't turn on or can't turn off 4 Alignment of button 2 Scrubber would not turn on 1 8 Make it a flip switch
Outter Shell Cracking No longer water proof 4 Dropping, crushing, overheating 5 Scrubber would not turn on 2 40 Coat entire body with rubber
Rubber gripping/waterproofing Melts or wear and tear No longer waterproof 3 Heat 2 Scrubber would not turn on 3 18 Better material choice
Motor-circuit board connection Welding of copper loosens Motor does not run 4 Fatigue, Overheating 1 Scrubber would not turn on 3 18 Better mesh of the motor with the circuit board

Design For Environment

Production Use Use Use Use
Item purchased Power Scrubber Manufacturing Battery Sponge Soap Water
a) Picture
b) Economic Sector Name and # Small Electric appliance #335210 Primary battery manufacturing #335912 Broom, brush, and mop manufacturing #339994 Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing #325610 Water, sewage and other systems #221300
c) Reference Unit 1 item 4 batteries 1 piece 16 oz/bottle 19.5 gallon/day

The Team

Group 3: Kelle, Robert, Pam, Ted, Ben
Group 3: Kelle, Robert, Pam, Ted, Ben

Team Leader: Xin (Pam) Hu

DFMA Leader: Ken-Soh (Robert) Mai

FMEA Leader: Ben Antoine

DFE Leader: Kelle Patterson

User Study Leader: Shao-Chuan (Ted) Fang


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