Automatic can opener redesign

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Executive Summary

The OneTouch Automatic can opener gives users a convenient and simpler way to open cans as compared to the usual manual types of can openers. The purpose of this page is to analyze the current design aspects of the can opener and to see what improvements could possibly be made. Even though we could have our own ideas as to what is important to users when using the can opener, we had to conduct research by way of a survey to see exactly what the user was looking for in regards to an automatic can opener. The two main aspects of the can opener that were most important to the user were safety and ease of use. After analyzing the can opener thoroughly we decided as a team to focus on the ease of use aspect. When looking at the can opener’s safety aspects we thought the original design was very safe and that there really was not much that we could do to increase the safety.

With ease of use as our number one objective in the redesign of the can opener we had to then specify exactly what we could improve to achieve this objective. The first thing that we discussed was the ergonomics of the original can opener. We felt that the original can opener was somewhat bulky and could be designed to fit in the hands of the user better, but the cost of the can opener was very reasonable so we did not want to have to increase that. This led to a few specific design changes that we felt would benefit the user. The specifics of these changes can be read in detail in the text below.

With our new design we feel that the consumer will react very positively to the changes that we have made since they follow exactly what the consumer was looking for in the survey. Below we will discuss in detail the new design aspects and the analysis that was conducted which was the basis of our changes.


Background Information

The original can opener has many quality features that made it hard for us to decide exactly what to change. The safety features were probably the best aspects that we saw on the can opener. Some of the safety features that were on the can opener already included a safety switch and a well covered blade. The safety switch made it so that the user could only turn on the can opener when it was sitting on top of the can. This prevents children from finding the can opener and cutting their fingers. The well covered blade gives a very solid barrier between your fingers and the blade when operating the can opener. Another safety feature was the way that the can opener actually opened the can. It cut on the outer edge of the can just below the lip so that it did not leave any sharp jagged edges behind. One of the problems that we saw in the origianl design was the location and design of the manual override. To us it seemed that this aspect of the original can opener took a lot away from the ease of use for the customer. The original can opener’s outer design also appeared to be somewhat bulky to us which took away from the ergonomics of the can opener.

Market Research

Market research is a way to allow us to gain knowledge about the target consumers. Therefore we have completed a survey and obtain a sample size of 107. Three questions were asked in the survey and they are:

  • "What is the most significant feature"
  • "What is the most problematic"
  • "What is the most significant changes that applies to an automatic can opener".

Based on the results of the survey, we generated five ideas that we believe we would pursue on.The ideas are:

  • the LED status light,
  • Finger grooves to increase comfort,
  • Silion casting for water proofing,
  • Using triple AAA batteries to diminish size
  • an manual override for ease of use.

Survey graphs

Please rank how important are the following features to you when you buy a can opener?

From this graph, it showed that safety is definitely the most important concern that consumers have. Ease of Use came second, Durability came third, Weight came fourth and the Outook (size, Style of the can opener seemed to be the least significant feature among all.

Please rank which aspect you think is the most problematic with can openers?

Apparently, ease of use is the most concerned problem. Then it comes to waterproofing, where it tends to be troublesome for users either when their hands were wet or when the can opener was dropped into water and had malfunctionability. Weight is the next concern, where girl users or higher aged group consumers believe the current designs of can openers are a little too bulky and heavy. Durability came next. Most of the consumers tend to still use original hand driven can openers, and they were concerned about the rusting and how the blades will get dulled. Size is the least concern as most of them believed the current size was ideal.

Please rank the following new features that you felt is most significant for an electric can opener?

Not surprising that since safety was the highest importance in the consumers mind, the LED satefy feature was the most significant in consumers' minds. Waterproofing came in second , so it justified that there is a need to improve when the can opener is involved with water. Thirdly, is the option for a manual override. Reason believed is that an automatic can opener would not be able to function properly if it faced a notch dent. Lastly, Comfort and Sizes are good improvements that the consumers believed that would have a significant impact

Market Research conclusions

Due to the nature of our environment, the majority of our sample are college students. We believe that our can openers' target consumers' age is wide ranged,from young kids to elderlys. Therefore our sample results might not accurately reflect the total population. Different outcomes and deviations between our sample results and the truth could occur. An example would be that even though weight was not a big issue for our sample population, but in reality elderlys would prioritize it much higher among the list. Overall from our survey, we can tell that safety is the highest priority, which is also reflected by the high rank of the LED status changes. Ease of use is also another significant aspect that affects durability and a high concern among the users. In general, the results from the market research supported our thoughts in what aspects that concerns the users and justifies the need for improvement. With the newly changes that will be made to the automatic can opener will be a much better product itself.

Value Oportunity Analysis

In our VOA we decided to look at the aspects of our automatic can opener that we thought had the most room for improvement. We decided that we would rather have a product that was better in more categories than extraordinary in a couple. This would lead to a better product overall. Our results can be viewed in the Automatic Can Opener VOA chart.

Our new ideas for imrovement help with most aspects of the can opener that we felt were on the low end of the VOA chart. Since our idea for improvement has different components we are able to please more people because of the number of positive changes to the can opener. Our main focus was on the ergonomics of the can opener. Our prospective changes to the product improve every aspect of ergonomics on the chart: comfort, safety and ease of use. A combination of the LED lights, rubber grips, water-proofing and changes in the battery source and manual override are the prospective changes that we are looking at the most. So, compared to the present can opener our new ideas for improvement lead to a better product.


  • Current Design:
  • No comfortable grip
  • Slippery if wet

  • New Design:
  • Finger Grooves
  • No-Slip rubber

The current design involves no comfortable way for the user to grip the can opener. It is bulky and hard for a user with small hands to grip completely. This problem is exacerbated if the users hands or the opener itself is moist. To overcome such problems, our first proposed design entails the addition of finger grooves contoured to an average sized hand which will afford the user the opportunity to completely and comfortably grip the can opener. These grooves would be added to either side of the can opener so as to accommodate both left and right handed users. To attack the problem of "slippery when wet" we intend to add some type of non slip surface. This could either be done by adding a vulcanized rubber or a spray on silicone. It would be added to each half separately so as not to impede the opening of the casing to access the battery terminals.

  • Current Override:
  • Impractical
  • Hard To Reach

  • New Design:
  • Ergonomic
  • Easy to Use

The original can opener has a manual override that is located on the underside of the opener near the blade and the cutting wheel. This location is impractical and reach, especially if it is in mid-cycle. A screwdriver is also required to utilized this manual override and often the entire apparatus must be turned upside down unless a perfect position on the edge of a table can be achieved. These inconveniences can be overcome with the addition of a manual override that is similar to an ordinary manual can opener. The new override will also be contoured in such a way that a wide variety of demographics will be able to use it comfortably.

  • Current Design:
  • Hesitation during Cycle
  • Mechanism status is unclear

  • New Design:
  • Red & Green LED’s to indicate functional status

A problem that has been experienced with the original can opener is hesitation during a cycle or hangups on dents. This can cause confusion for the user as they may not know that there can is not open because a full cycle was not completed. To overcome this we proposed the idea of instating LED Status lights. A green light would indicate that the opener is functioning correctly. A red light would indicate that the opener has not completed its cycle and requires attention from the user.

The above image refers to two design concepts: 1. Waterproofing the Can Opener; 2: Switching from AA to AAA Batteries

  • Current Design (Waterproofing):
  • No seal over blade or battery compartment
  • No seal over buttons

  • New Design:
  • Rubber Gasket
  • Rubber Hoods
  • Silicone

The design of the current can opener does not include any form of waterproofing to protect the internal components from wetness. If the user were to spill the contents of the can being opened or if they were to drop the opener into the sink, there is a chance that the can opener would be ruined. To tackle this problem we propose to insert a rubber gasket between the upper and lower shells. It would be attached to the shell so that it would not have to be placed properly every time the batteries need changing. A drop of silicone gel would be placed over the screws, magnet, and cutting wheel. Rubber gasket hoods would also be place over the Activation button and the reverse button.

  • Current Design (Batteries):
  • AA Batteries
  • Bulky
  • New Design:
  • AAA Batteries
  • Smaller and Space Saving

Pugh Chart


  • This Pugh Chart is a representation of how each design innovation will effect certain aspects of the overall quality of the Automatic Can Opener. The most important aspect to the consumer is at the top of the left hand column. Each row from the top becomes successively less important to the consumer. The rankings are based in part on formal market research (obtained from our survey) and informal talks with people who used the product.

Quality Function Deployment

Based on our assessment, compared with the competition we are either above or in the same category in terms of safety, durability, ease of use and weight. Currently even though we have a slight disadvantage in the battery life and cost of our product with the competition, the difference was not significant enough to make a significant impact to the consumers. We believe our target consumers' age will be wide ranged from young adults to high elderlys.

Detailed Design Description

In regards to the survey results, the ease of use aspect led us to our first few design changes. In regards to the bulkiness we wanted to make the can opener smaller and more streamlined, so we had to think of ways to make space. The first idea we had was to use AAA batteries instead of AA. This proved to work the best and it also saved us some much needed space. In dealing with ergonomics we felt that adding finger grooves and a sticky surface to the exterior of the can opener would help with the comfort of holding the can opener. The original design was very smooth so it would be hard to hold if your hands were not exactly dry. The changes would also help with the safety of the product because the user would be less likely to drop the can opener. Another improvement with the casing that we decided to do is making snap fit pieces so that we could eliminate a lot of fasteners in the assembly of the exterior. This would cut out a lot of time needed to assemble the product and would end up saving the company a lot of money. The next change that we made on the original was the location and design of the manual override. In the original the manual override is very inconveniently placed on the bottom of the can opener and a wrench is needed to use it. With our new design we put the manual override on the top and will have it resembling a normal manual can opener. This will give the user an easier way to manually open the can if the can opener fails. The next aspect involving ease of use was the runtime for one cycle. We wanted to decrease this so that the user did not have to wait as long to open a can. The elimination of gears would also have helped this idea but in our second prototype it proved to go too fast. The next idea we had was installing a new motor with the original gear train. This proved to be the best choice because the new motor cut down cycle time from 33 seconds to 24 seconds, which is not too fast that we have to worry about safety. Even though the safety features of the original design are very solid we still wanted to try and improve some aspect of the safety in our new design. We decided to put something on the can opener that could be used to indicate that something was wrong with the interior. This would make it easier for the user to tell if there was a problem with the can opener as opposed to just dead batteries. We decided to go with an LED that could tell the user if the can opener is operating or not. With these added design features we feel that our can opener is superior to the original, and we can produce this can opener at the same cost or even lower.

DFMA Analysis

Design for Manufacturing:

  • The upper and lower casing are both made in house by using the method of injection molding.
  • Most of the other parts like the screws, pressure switch and the motor are bought by suppliers, so it won’t be hard to buy.
  • The Gear components in the gear train in this product should be currently bought from other suppliers as well and could be made in house using the process of injection mold plastics, so it shouldn't be hard to produce.
  • Movement wheel and the washers are both stamped
  • Overall, the whole manufacturing process is very cost effective and most of them are produced by molding and stamping.

Design for Assembly:

  • The casings are securely attached by screws. It is very easy, simple and straight forward.
  • The internal wiring has obvious tracks to help guide wires so it will be aligned.
  • The Circuit board and the capacitors are soldered in so it will be secured and hard to disassembly.
  • Gear Trains and the movement gear are all secured by shafts
  • The Bent Pin is used to attach the movement gear to the movement wheel

Design for Disassembly:

  • Easy dissemble for most parts as most of them are attached by shafts and screws
  • The more difficult areas would be the motor itself and the circuit board (soldered in)

In general, the DFMA is well developed but has room for improvement. As many parts are outsourced, such as the gears, the manufacturing does not require much design for them. At the same time, pieces such as the casings appear to be injection molded in house. The injection molding has all necessary fillets and chamfers to make extraction of parts easier. These components could be redesigned to improve design for assembly though. By incorporation of quick snap clips into the design of the casing components, it would be possible to decrease assembly time by not having to screw in seven fasteners to attach the upper and bottom casings. The use of encasing components makes actual placement of parts easy since it all goes from one base mainly. This also makes it so individual gears do no need to be pinned into place for the most part as well as the motor is held in place only by the casing pieces. Another opportunity could be a snap together joint for the movement gear and wheel rather than the method of pinning used currently.

Design for Environment

  • The can opener uses many plastics in its structure and gear train, but we do not have access to these materials causing a further analysis to be beyond our current ability.
  • The components made of plastic could be made from less material, such as making thinner gears to use less of the plastic.
  • Aside from design, manufacturing processes can be looked into to try and use less energy, such as using a plastic that requires less energy to heat for injection molding.

Due to the nature of designing for the environment, it is a difficult topic for our team to cover. Without specific data on materials used, we will be unable to recommend less harmful materials to take their place. At the same time, the use of less material is definitely a place for improvement as well as trying to use less energy in the manufacturing by doing things like regulating heat more in the process of injection molding or requiring less power for an assembly plant in general.

Opportunities for Improvement

  • Many parts, like the gears, were ordered from suppliers but could be made in house, even though that would mean a larger cost at the beginning, it would be worth it in the long run.
  • Currently the overall gear ratio is 206:1 changing an initial speed of close to 2700 rpm down to 13 rpm at the movement wheel.
  • The motor offers speed but not much torque itself, which is one of the reasons why we require many gears in the gear train, so one thought is to provide a higher voltage so that there would be a higher torque.
  • There are way too many screws attaching the lower case and upper case, many could be eliminated if the the design of the casing changes to include quick snap connectors.
  • The switches and the reset button are exposed to the air, so if by accident the can opener is dropped into water, it could short circuit it. Because of this rubber gaskets and hoods could be used to make the device water-resistant.
  • The use of less material and energy in the manufacturing process would improve how environmentally friendly the device is.

The decision to change the overall gear ratio can only be made with proper specifications for the motor telling the torque output. Without this information it is not possible to see if less torque and more speed would be a viable possibility. Its current speed is so slow that many people try to lift the opener off before it is finished which leads us to believe that only fewer gears would be a possible change as to speed up the cycle time. A different motor may provide more torque outright, but with size constraints it appears that trying to overpower the voltage a small amount for a little extra power is the only feasible option.

Failure Modes and Effective Analysis

Although there are many causes of failure, there are three failures that stand out for being the worst. Electrically short circuiting would make the device inoperable, which we see as a possibility because of accidentally dropping the unit into water. Another failure would be in the geartrain which would cause a loss of power transfer and the motor relies on a mechanical switch to decide when it turns off. This means that the motor would keep running but the opener would no longer cut further. In terms of casing, quick snaps would be ideal, as it could minimize the failure impact of screws. A safety problem that we also see high is switch malfunctioning because it would cause unintended use. For most of the components, many could be improved by strengthening the soldering connections and use of stronger material.

Part Number Part Name Failure Mode Effects of Failure S Causes of Failure O Design Controls D RPN Recommendation
001 Screws(large) * A screw that is detached from the casings and the blade That would lead the casings to fall apart and not attached 4 Due to rotting or overstress 2 Manual 2 30 Quick Snaps will eliminate this component

002 Pressure switch * It cannot not detect whether the battery case or the opener is in place That would be dangerous and one of the safety features will be lost 6 Overuse and the connection between those components are loose due to deformation 4 Manual 2 14 Make the openings around them larger for easy recognition and resets easier
003 Movement Wheel * Cannot provide the necessary pressure to the cutting wheel to pierce can That would make the automatic can unworkable 7 That may due to overuse and deformation if the opener was hit or environmental influences 2 Material 3 36 Stronger material and coating.
004 Cap Screw * Cannot attach the cutting wheel to gearing That would lead make the cutting wheel not work as the gears would not be able to provide the torque required 4 Due to rotting or overstress 2 Manual 2 36 Stronger material and coating.
005 Cutting Wheel * Cannot cut through can to remove lid That would make the whole can opener lose its function 8 Due to overuse, material corrosion 4 Material and Manual evaluation 4 12 Stronger material and coating.
006 Magnet * Cannot keep the top off from submersing into the can when it is cut off That would lead the can top to fall into the can 2 Losing its polarity due to environment 2 Manual evaluation 3 11 Use of a stronger material that leads to stronger magnetic polarity
007 Reverse Switch * It does not reverses the direction of the motor That would lead the cutting procedure to fail 6 Error from the circuit board and short circuit 2 Manual calculation and evaluation 3 12 Add stronger solder to form stronger connections
008 Manual Pinion * It does not allows manual rotation of the gear system Lost the manual dimension control 7 Overuse and led to a lack of sensitivity 3 Manual calculation and evaulation 3 10 Use stronger material
009 Positive Terminal and Negative Terminal * No power is transmitted The automatic opener will not have any power 4 The connection might be off due to deformation and solder misplacement 3 Manual evaluation 4 15 Add stronger solder to form stronger connections
010 Main button * No power is transmitted The automatic opener will not start 4 The connection might be off due to running out of solder 3 Manual evaluation 4 15 Add stronger solder to form stronger connections
011 Internal Switch * No circuit so there will be no power The circuit will not be complete 6 The connection might be off due to deformation 2 Manual evaluation 5 17 Make tighter connections
012 Motor * Cannot drives geartrain, movement wheel, and cutting wheel The motor is the element to provide speed and connection to the gears 8 Overuse, overheat 4 Material, Manual evaluation 6 12 Add solder to maintain good connections.
013 Ratio Gears * Unable to gear down motor output The whole can will be inoperative 8 Overuse, deformation 3 Material, Manual evaluation 4 24 Stronger injection molding, use stronger plastic
014 Shafts * Unable to sustain the gear train to usable speed and torque The whole can will be inoperative 6 Overuse, deformation 3 Material, Manual evaluation 5 36 Increase diameter
015 Blade * Unable to provide an efficient and continued cut The whole can will be inoperative 6 Overuse, Shearing. Fatigue. Thermal. Wearing 3 Material, Manual evaluation 5 36 Stronger material and thicker blades to increase lifetime