Tie Rack FMEA

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This table presents failure mode effects and analysis of parts of the product most likely to fail in their functions.

Item & Function Failure Mode Effects of Failure S Causes of Failure O Design Controls D RPN Recmd Actions Responsibility & Deadline Actions Taken S O D RPN

001 - Belt Hook
  • Allow belts to be hung underneath tie rack
Deformed, cracked or fractured hooks. Inoperable or Impaired Operation.
  • Belts can no longer be hung from hooks.
  • If still hangable, belts will slip off.
5 Overstressing. Too much weight applied to hooks.
  • Too many belts
  • Belts are too heavy
8 Lab test to test maximum allowable weight applied to hooks 4 160 Stronger material used. Hook molding Replace hook with more durable material 5 4 4 80
007 - Rotating Belt
  • Allow hanging location for ties
  • Rotate around cover to display all ties.
Deformed, cracked or fractured hooks or belt. Inoperable or Impaired Operation.
  • Ties can no longer be hung from hooks.
  • If still hangable, ties will slip off.
8 Overstressing. Too much weight applied to hooks.
  • Too many ties. Or something other than ties is hung.
  • Ties or hanging objects are too heavy.
8 Lab test to test maximum allowable weight applied to hooks 6 384 Stronger and/or thicker material. Belt molding Replace belt with more durable material 8 4 6 208
007 - Rotating Belt
  • Allow hanging location for ties
  • Rotate around cover to display all ties.
Damage to Motor or gear train. Inoperable or Impaired Operation.
  • Could damage gear train or motor.
  • Could tear or damage item in closet.
  • Could damage hanging hooks.
8 Belt catching on Other items in closet. 6 Belt Allows for slip rather than stressing motor. 6 288 More flexible hooks. Bend rather than catch. Motor selection Use more durable motor 8 4 5 160
018 - Motor
  • Works through gear train to rotate belt
Short circuit or ruining of torque mechanism. Inoperable without functioning motor.
  • Only about 10% of rack space can be used if rotational system does not work.
8 *Faulty motor.
  • Too much weight, torque overload.
2 Lab test to test maximum torque supplied by motor through gear tran 8 128 Stronger/different torque/speed motor. Bought part. Supplier is responsible. Replace engine with one with higher torque and lower speed 8 2 6 96
021 - Light bulb
  • Shines light on belts that are currently in front and easily accessible to user.
Short circuit or burning out of lightbulb. Light is inoperable.
  • Cannot properly see ties in closet if dark.
4 *Faulty bulb.
  • Bulb with short lifespan.
3 Test lifespan of bulb. 8 96 Choose longer lasting bulbs. Bought part. Supplier is responsible. Replace bulb with longer-lasting bulb. 4 2 7 56
015, 016 - Gears
  • Work in train to translate motor rotational speed and torque to belt.
Deformed due to corrosion Teeth will not fit well with eachother if deformed. Cannot properly translate torque and speed. 7 Insufficient lubrication capacity causes wear. 3 Lab to test lubrication necessary.
  • Test worst case scenario: no lubrication.
  • Accelerated corrosion test.
5 105 Vary type and amount of lubrication. Assembly applies lubrication during assembly process. Apply more lubrication. 7 2 4 56
011 - Top Cover

Covers interior functions (motor, gears, circuit board, batteries)

Crack or fracture exposes mechanisms. Impaired operation: Interior mechanisms not properly protected. 6 Crack or break due to impact or stress overload. 6 Lab test to test maximum impact withstandable.
  • Lab test to test maximum stress withstandable.
5 180 Use material with more elasticity.
  • Material able to withstand more stress.
Part engineering. Materials available with injection molding. Replace material with stronger and less brittle material.
  • Add rubber or other cushioning to part to reduce impact.
6 4 3 72
023 - Bottom Cover

Holds interior functions (motor, gears, circuit board, batteries)

Crack or fracture exposes mechanisms. Impaired operation: Interior mechanisms not properly protected. 6 Crack or break due to impact or stress overload. 6 Lab test to test maximum impact withstandable.
  • Lab test to test maximum stress withstandable.
5 180 Use material with more elasticity.
  • Material able to withstand more stress.
Part engineering. Materials available with injection molding. Replace material with stronger and less brittle material.
  • Add rubber or other cushioning to part to reduce impact.
6 4 3 72

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